
How Much Are You Spending on Weed Per Month? – Cost vs. Income for CannabisHigh & Marijuana Blog | Cannabis.Net

This honest look at their personal cannabis spending relative to income raises interesting points. In this article, we’ll explore the concept of an appropriate weed budget that balances lifestyle enjoyment against costs. First, we have to consider context. Is $80 an ounce a fair market price for quality cannabis in Phoenix? How does the poster’s usage compare to average? These factors allow us to better assess if the spending is truly excessive or within reason.

This honest look at their personal cannabis spending relative to income raises interesting points. In this article, we’ll explore the concept of an appropriate weed budget that balances lifestyle enjoyment against costs. First, we have to consider context. Is $80 an ounce a fair market price for quality cannabis in Phoenix? How does the poster’s usage compare to average? These factors allow us to better assess if the spending is truly excessive or within reason. High & Marijuana Blog | Cannabis.Net Read More or Shop @