
The Fit Stoner – Does Cannabis Spell the End of Diabetes and Better Metabolic Health for Regular Users?High & Marijuana Blog | Cannabis.Net

Could cannabis play a role in my metabolic health? I believe so. I tested with low blood sugar and A1C levels at my last physical. Anecdotal, sure, but it lines up with emerging diabetes research showing lower risk among consumers. Do I give cannabis full credit for my vitality? No. Plenty of factors are at play. But I suspect cannabis compounds interact with my physiology beneficially beyond just the high. This magical plant supports human health in many mysterious ways we are only starting to understand.

Could cannabis play a role in my metabolic health? I believe so. I tested with low blood sugar and A1C levels at my last physical. Anecdotal, sure, but it lines up with emerging diabetes research showing lower risk among consumers. Do I give cannabis full credit for my vitality? No. Plenty of factors are at play. But I suspect cannabis compounds interact with my physiology beneficially beyond just the high. This magical plant supports human health in many mysterious ways we are only starting to understand. High & Marijuana Blog | Cannabis.Net Read More or Shop @